Fall Wedding // Megan + Steve

I still cannot BELIEVE how much of a blast this wedding was. I laughed so hard from start to end. Megan and Steve exactly the fun-loving, hilarious, board game playing people that I love to surround myself with and their wedding was such a perfect reflection of who they are. The weather was gorgeous, the guests had such a blast, and the buffet style food was eeeevvvveeeeryyythiiiing.

When I first arrived to Megan and Steve’s house, where they both were getting ready, it was the first time that I truly felt like it was fall. The trees were bright orange and a fresh layer of crunchy goodness covered the ground. This day was exactly what people who have fall weddings hope for. The start of the day was so relaxing, and the fact they both got ready in their own home made it so personal and comfortable. With Megan slipping on her wedding gown upstairs, and Steve drinking out of Game of Thrones themed mugs with his groomsmen downstairs, the two of them still had an amazing element of surprise when they went outside in their yard for a first look.

The first look was straight out of a movie. Steve’s reaction was adorable as Megan tapped him on the shoulder. Together, they read love letters as leaves swirled around them in a fury of color. I had to stop myself from yelling in excitement. This is why fall kicks every other season’s butt.

We met up with the bridal party at this rustic old building called the Glebe House. This place had so much charm and it was the perfect place to hang out and take photos before heading to the church. This bridal party was a RIOT. Photographers tend to be a bit irritated with drinking groomsmen. Me? The more beers the better. Capturing a good time is what I’m ALL about!

One of my favorite moments of the day was catching Megan and Steve practicing their first dance quietly in the church basement. I believe it is critically important for the bride and groom to share at least one moment alone together at their wedding – so often it doesn’t happen.

The rest of the day was just so much fun. Every guest legitimately had the most amazing time. Even during family photos, the most chaotic part of the day, everyone was just so excited to see eachother and couldn’t stop smiling. Megan and Steve never stopped having the time of their lives together, exactly how a wedding should be.



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